Preliminary Programme

Venue for the whole ELAG: National Technical Library, Technická 6, 160 00 Praha 6 - Dejvice. MAP

The registration desk is located next to the Balling's Hall (main auditorium) in the ground floor atrium (use entrance NTK 4)



The Pre-conference will have four full day tracks: jQuery, a very helpful Javascript library, Digital Curation 101: it's the Context, Stupid, Your Website is your API - How to integrate your Library into the Web of Data using RDFa and Extending your library with indexing technologies

Before registering for a pre-conference bootcamp, you should read what you can expect from the participation in a bootcamp and also what are the prerequisites. Read below, clicking on the particular bootcamp title. 

Tuesday 24. 5.

09:00 Pre-conference registration

10:00  jQuery, a very helpful Javascript library / Uwe Dierolf, location: TBA

10:00 Digital Curation 101: it's the Context, Stupid / Patrick Hochstenbach, location: TBA 

10:00 Your Website is your API - How to integrate your Library into the Web of Data using RDFa / Adrian Pohl and Felix Ostrowski, location: TBA 


May 25. -27.  ELAG 2010 CONFERENCE

Small changes to the programme are possible.


Workshops are a unique feature of ELAG. This year there are 9 workshops to choose from. They run in parallel through two days of the conference and there is a report of the workshop presented on the final day. The audience of each workshop is limited up to 30 people. More...


Lightning talks will be limited to 5 min./person. You can sign up at the  conference site (the list will be available from Wednesday morning). Please note, that lightning talks may be recorded and posted on the internet.

Wednesday 25. 5.

08:00 Conference registration / LOCATION: Balling‘s Hall

09:00 Welcome / Opening remarks by Deputy minister for Higher Education and Research Jan Koucký PhD

09:15 Keynote: Blended Libraries / Harald Reiterer

10:15 Morning break 

10:45 Lifting the Lid on Linked Data  / Jane and Adrian Stevenson 

11:15 Linking data in the ALM world - The Culture Information Portal / Boris Zetterlund 

11:45 Linking libraries to the real world / Lukas Koster and Ad Aerts  

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Workshops, 1. Session

14:30 Afternoon break

15:00 Workshops, 2. Session

16:00 Drawing Context from the Linked Data Web: The Example of the 20th Century Press Archives / Joachim Neubert  

16:30 Linked data in action / Rurik Thomas Greenall and Lene Elisabeth Bertheussen  

18:00 Visit of The National Technical Library

19:00 Reception

Thursday 26.5.

09:00 Comparison of Search-based and Topic-based relevance ranking for online search results / Peter Noerr  

09:30 Lightning Talks 1 

10:15 Morning brea

10:45 Web-Scale Library Management Services (WMS) – an SOA for a massively scalable next-gen ILS, principles and practice / Paul Harvey 

11:10 Cloud computing in your library’s forecast? Ensure a sunny outcome / Carl Grant  

11:35 Who controls bibliographic control? - open data as strategy in a cloud enviroment / Anders Söderbäck 

12:00 Panel discussion on cloud based library infrastructure / Paul Harvey,  Carl Grant,  Anders Söderbäck 

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Workshops, 3. Session

14:45 Afternoon break

15:15 Aligning library-domain metadata with the Europeana Data Model / Sally Chambers and Valentine Charles 

15:45 Building Blocks for the Future: Making Controlled Vocabularies Available for the Semantic Web / Barbara B. Tillett 

16:15 Workshops, 4. Session

19:30 Conference dinner

Friday 27.5.

09:00 What should a Virtual University Library environment look like? / Xavier Duran Albareda 

09:30 Lightning Talks 2 

10:15 Morning break 

10:45 Workshop reports 

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Digital Long-Term Preservation, Provenance and Linked Open Data / Sam Coppens, Erik Mannens or Raf Vandesande 

14:00 Digital Preservation: Context & Content / Edward M. Corrado 

14:30 Visualizing Library Data / Karen A. Coombs 

15:00 Closing presentation


MAY 27. - 29.  ELAG Post Conference excursion

The Post-conference excursion starts after the conclusion of the conference on Friday afternoon. More...



Editor: Pavel Procházka
Last modified: 22.2. 2011 02:02