
WorkshopWorkshops are a unique and significant feature of the ELAG conference. They give participants an opportunity to acquire new skills, enhance their knowledge, and get a more in-depth view of a specific topic they are interested in. The keyword for ELAG conference is participation, so ELAG workshops strive to be interactive, hands-on and discussion-solution based in order to draw from the experience and knowledge of participants and produce useful advances, solutions, or recommendations for the library community.


This year there are 10 workshops to choose from, each of them involving 5 to 30 people. Workshop sessions are integrated into the conference programme and are spread over the first two days of the conference. The overall duration of workshop sessions is 4 1/2 hours and there is an additional session on the final day of conference for short reports on each workshop.


All workshops run in parallel and each participant can choose only one workshop to attend throughout the whole conference.


How to make the best of your participation at the workshop

Before the workshop:

  • read all the information provided by the leader in order to get familiar with the topics 
  • if the leader contacts you, answer him/her with useful information as it will help her/him prepare a better workshop
  • the leader is not necessarily the one who knows the most about the topic, he is there to manage the group, so prepare to be active and participate
  • think what you or your own institution can contribute to the workshop, think especially about the projects or experiences you may have
  • prepare examples you want to share with others or comment on
  • if possible, look at the other participant’s profiles.

Attending a workshop:

  • keep in mind that your participation in the workshop is very important, so get involved in the discussions and ask or explain whatever you think could be useful
  • try to help the leader during the workshop


Worksop topics and leaders

01 Find and explore in a local and global perspective (Serving users in specific library contexts) / Boris Zetterlund

02 Cloud computing in the library context / Edward M. Corrado and Dr. Heather Lea Moulaison

03 User studies for digital libraries development / Dr. Milena Dobreva and Pierluigi Feliciati

04 Developing strategies for library systems / Anders Söderbäck

05 Research and Education in Digital Libraries / Vittore Casarosa

06 Open Bibliographic Data: Licensing. Activities. Strategies / Adrian Pohl

07 MARC must die / Sally Chambers

08 There’s an app for that: Academic libraries and mobile technologies / Eithne Barry and Laurence Patterson

09 Improving OCR of old material / Jiří Polišenský and Tomáš Foltýn

10 Linking library data / Jindřich Mynarz  



Editor: Milan Janíček
Last modified: 5.4. 2011 07:04